Anti Scam & Anti Hack Tips English version
Here by we present you with our anti scam and anti hack tips, if you follow all these tips your account and your items are save! Please read these tips carefully, once items are lost due to scamming or hacking we might not be able to recover them. We always try to help and assist you in the best possible way, but if you follow up our tips properly you can not get hacked or scammed.
We would like to start with some tips to keep your login details save:
Use an unique account and password combination you never used before.
Change your password frequently.
Never share your login details with anyone. (GM's will never ask for your password.)
Use an difficult vault password. (Don't use 1234 or 0000).
Do not download any other RYL related programs not released by us.
Do not except any files from fellow gamers (They might continue keyloggers.)
Never fill out your login details anywhere. (Only to login the game, or login on
If you are unsure about a situation or whenever you have questions about how to prevent your login details, do not hesitate to ask one of our team members. Please note that account details can only be recovered through the email of registration.
Secondly we ask you to following trading tips, if you do so you can not get scammed:
When you are trading, only use the normal trade function ingame.
Only make trades where all items fit in 1 trading window.
Do not trade with the promise of getting other items later.
Always check the items after the lockers turned pink. (Make sure the items weren't swapped.)
Do not trade or buy accounts, this is illegal.
Ask for GM Assistance when the ammount of items doesn't fit in 1 trade window.
We advice you not to buy any items of other players.
Buying items with real money is allowed but at own risk.
Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you have doubts about the nature of the other player, do not make the trade and talk to one of our team members. In Ryl 2 Northpole both races can trade to eachother in Almigthy Land so there is no reason why you would use any other trade method then the normal trade function.

Account protection

If you are unsure about a situation or whenever you have questions about how to prevent your login details, do not hesitate to ask one of our team members. Please note that account details can only be recovered through the email of registration.

Trading Advice

Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you have doubts about the nature of the other player, do not make the trade and talk to one of our team members. In Ryl 2 Northpole both races can trade to eachother in Almigthy Land so there is no reason why you would use any other trade method then the normal trade function.

Last note: RYL 2 NORTHPOLE can not be held responsible when items or accounts get lost due to hacking or scamming when you have not followed our tips above. Please note that your account can only be recovered through the email of registration.